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Yet Another Reason to Move to Boise: City Among the Least Stressed in the Nation

WalletHub returns with another report, this time looking at America’s most and least stressed cities. Of the 182 studied, Boise finds itself second to last on the list, indicating it’s one of the least stressed cities. According to the study, Lincoln, Nebraska, is America’s least stressed city. On the flip side, Cleveland, Ohio, is the most stressed city in America, followed by Detroit, Michigan.

The analysts at WalletHub evaluated cities across four dimensions: Work Stress, Financial Stress, Family Stress, and Health and Safety Stress. Each of these dimensions was evaluated using 42 relevant metrics with varying weights assigned to them. Some of these metrics included job security, unemployment rate, median household income, childcare cost, suicide rate, and well-being index, as examples.

As part of the evaluation, Boise was one of the cities discovered to have the highest average number of hours of sleep among its residents, twice as much as Detroit, which ranked dead last.

Boise also found that it was one of the least stressed when it comes to the health and safety of its residents, and given that the area has relatively low crime and excellent police protection, this finding isn’t surprising.

Nampa also found its way into the standings, among the nation’s top 25% in terms of having the least stress. It didn’t fare as well as Boise did, but still bested cities such as Seattle, Anaheim, and San Diego on the list.

The report indicated that only the city proper was factored into the study, so neighboring cities were excluded from the study.

Given the uncertain times society lives in currently, and the stress surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, its admirable Boise ranks so highly among its peers. The laid-back lifestyle and easy escape to recreational pursuits make it easy to decompress.

Photo Credit: iStock.com/agrobacter


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