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From local events and the best patios to unwind to real estate market trends and home-buying tips, you are right where you need to be. Explore your curiosity and check the boxes of essential details when looking for the perfect place to call home. Grab your favorite beverage and enjoy a good read.
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Ask a REALTOR® – What’s a HERS Score?
You may have seen a "HERS Certified" graphic in windows of new homes that are under construction and wondered what it means. HERS is the Home Energy Rating System Index, the industry-standard by which a home's energy efficiency is measured. HERS is also the nationally recognized system for inspecting...
Staging Your Home for Sales Success – Tips to Help Your Home Appeal to Buyers
In a previous post, we discussed how to enhance the curb appeal of your home for potential buyers. Today, we're going to chat about ways to improve the interior of your home by staging furniture and cleaning thoroughly. Maximize the Light Buyers are drawn to good lighting in a home. Make sure your windows ar...
First Impressions Matter – Staging Your Home’s Exterior For Sales Success
Photo Credit: Here in Idaho, the home-selling season is quickly approaching, and if you're thinking about selling your home, there are some things you can do to improve its exterior appeal to potential buyers. Below are some suggestions to help your home go from drab to fab to maximize bu...
Spring is Coming – Tips to Have a Beautiful Lawn
The spring thaw brings excitement and joy to many people. The cold winter months are leaving, and now we can look forward to using our yards for recreation. I don't know about you, but as a homeowner, one of the simple pleasures I have is mowing my lawn. And like many homeowners, I strive to have the best yard in ...
Ask a REALTOR® – What’s the Purpose of a Home Inspection?
When buying (or selling) a home, it's a good idea to have a home inspection done to make sure there aren't any costly surprises lurking in the house. Most buyers require a home inspection and can make the sale contingent upon the findings. At its core, a home inspection is a protection that prevents new homeowners...
Do This to Save Money On Your Property Taxes
If you're a homeowner here in the Treasure Valley, you've probably noticed that your property taxes are on the rise. The fees are going up due to home values rising and assessed levies for new schools. One of the easiest ways to save money on your property taxes is to file a Homeowner's Exemption with the county a...

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