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Where Americans are Moving During the Pandemic

Moving marketplace HireAHelper recently released a study that shows moving trends for people from January 2020 and June 2020.

Of all the states in the union, Idaho has the largest net gain seeing 194% more people moving into it than out during the pandemic. The next closest state was New Mexico, with 44% more people moving in than out. Even with limited housing inventory, people are still relocating to the Gem State en mass.

The states with higher populations and higher rates of COVID spread saw the most significant net losses of moves. In what shouldn’t come as a surprise, New York and California had the most massive net losses, with 64% and 63% more people moving out than moving in, respectively. San Francisco, New York, Arlington, VA, and Los Angeles saw people moving out in droves. Given that many experts were predicting an exodus of large metropolitan areas to smaller, urban areas as a result of the pandemic, this isn’t surprising.

The study found that 15% of all moves between January and June were due to COVID. 37% of those were moving because they couldn’t afford where they were living. 24% indicated that they didn’t feel safe where they were living, and 23% said their new destination had fewer cases of COVID. Five percent of those who moved did so to be able to work from home, another trend as telecommuting becomes more prevalent in a post-pandemic world. Six percent of those surveyed said they took advantage of the COVID housing market to buy or sell a home.

Interestingly, when compared to March 11 – June 30, 2019, Idaho saw a decrease in the number of moves, which was down by 34% year-over-year. The dates above coordinate with when most of the shelter in place orders went into effect.

In what has become a common occurrence, Idaho has found its way on the top of a real estate-related list. And all indicators are pointing to Idaho continuing to be a top destination for people from outside the state.

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