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National Roof Over Your Head Day

A couple of weeks ago, we introduced you to CATCH, a local non-profit that is working to end Treasure Valley homelessness.

Today, to celebrate “National Roof Over Your Head Day,” The Together We Give Foundation (TWG), founded by The Mike Brown Group, part of Silvercreek Realty Group, awarded local non-profit CATCH a $100,000 donation to help aid their quest in ending homelessness here in the Treasure Valley.

Surrounded by the Mike Brown Group team of agents and staff members, CATCH executives were presented with a $100,000 check for their organization.


Stephanie Day, Executive Director of CATCH, had this to say, “one of the most exciting things about this partnership to me is that we are so fully aligned as organizations in our vision and mission for how important housing is for everyone. And how complicated the issue of homelessness is and how we’re willing to get in… and make housing a possibility for every family and every person in the community.”


 “Housing isn’t just housing. Housing is giving people an opportunity to learn. It’s giving people an opportunity to make better choices. It’s giving people an opportunity to grow as an individual. And even more to dream,” said Andrew Kukla, the CATCH Board President.

“I found a letter that spoke about paying it forward that was written by Benjamin Franklin to Benjamin Webb. Franklin had given Webb a lump sum of money and said, ‘do not worry about returning the sum to me. When you come of good fortune, take that money, and give it to someone else who has fallen on hard times, knowing that they will do the same.’ Hence where paying it forward came from,” said Mike Brown, owner and team leader of The Mike Brown Group, and Vice President of the Together We Give Foundation.

He continued, “That’s what we’re doing today, we’re paying it forward. We’re all of good fortune. And we’ve all been given things that we take for granted on National Roof Over (Y)our Head Day. Think about all the little things we take for granted. Thank you, CATCH for allowing us to come alongside you to help end homelessness in the Treasure Valley.”

The donation will allow CATCH to help at least 13 Treasure Valley families end their struggle with homelessness.

People who need housing resources, information, or support can call 208.336.HOME (4663) – 208.336.4663.


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